Delicious Lunch Cookies for

Hi Mommy!What are you going to make for your sweet little pies for their delicious lunch cookies for school? It would be a real good idea for them to make a good lunch treat like giving them delicious lunch cookies. Wee need to vary their lunch treat although we are not going to sacrifice the nutrition in the lunch treat. Today's article is going to share for cookie's healthy recipe. You can place the cookies in the lunchbox and decorate it for sure! This recipe that I am showing you below here is the one that is the best for sure.

Here I am giving you this really healthy recipe of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Kid usually loves to eat chocolate, and giving them this really delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookies would make their day. To make this one recipe, you need to prepare first for the ingredients of making this cookie. To cook these cookies need to have appropriate composition like one cup of semisweet or bitter sweet chocolate chips, 1/2 cup of chopped walnut, 1/2 cup all purpose flour, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup tahini, 4 tablespoons cold unsalted butter which already cut into pieces, 2.3 granulated sugar, 2/3 cup of packed light brown sugar, 1 large egg, 1large egg white, 1 tablespoon vanilla extract.

So, the first step to cook the meal is like you need to blend into paste the ingredients (whisk oats, whole-wheat flour, all purpose flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt in medium bowl. Then, you need to beat some ingredients including  tahini, butter into a bowl and blend them with mixer, then you also need to include egg, egg white, and vanilla. Then stir them all together after that put walnut and chips. Mold them into nice ones and bake them on the baking sheet. Bake them in 200 degree celcious for about 30 minutes. You need to make sure that the temperature is set well so that the cookies would be well cooked.

After all they are all cooked, then you can place them all in the lunch bx for sure. You can decorate it as well. Complete your little kid lunch with this really good and nutritious cookies. Other than that you can complete the lunch with nutritious drink like strawberry milk. Strawberry milk would be really delicious drink or even you can have infused water with some really delicious drinks like smoothy, juices, and many others. These delicious cookies are also perfect for your little meals. These cookies are also good for picnic so bring the cookies when you have picnic together with your family and kids.

If you want to shape your cookie into ginger cake then it will be really fine for you. It is really recommended to shape the cookies with really nice and beautiful shapes. This will pop out your kids' eyes for sure. Decorate the lunch box with milk chocolate or even vegetables. See you on my next other post with really delicious and nice lunch for your kids. Always stay tuned and bye bye!


Rice Porridge for Kids

Hi, mommy! what are you cooking today for your little baby? Today, this post will give you the receipts of healthy porridge for 8 months old baby. It is so easy to make the rice porridge,rice actually there are some different consistency in making the porridge including the ways you give water in the mixture of porridge. Here is actually the recipe of how making rice porridge  as there are  three kinds of the mixture of rice porridge including thick medium and thin/watery. The recipes are very simple and make sure you choose the best one for your children. This rice porridge is actually staple cuisine for all ages in Asian country. So see the explanation below!

Those three kinds of the rice porridge mixture would be for these following composition as if you want it thick then you only need one cup of the rice with 8 cups of the water, medium as for you need to give for 10 cups of water, and if you want to have watery and thin rice porridge then you can add for 13 cups of water anyway. Kids love to have really crunchy porridge so you can even add their favorite skim milk into the porridge as well. Just add 5 teaspoons of skim milk for 1 cup of rice or even one more teaspoon of milk.

Other than that rice porridge can be cooked in other receipt like you can even add cut vegetables for your rice porridge. Even for more you can add some dishes and the porridge for the delicious meal ala Asian. What  do you think? You may better try this rally delicious dishes for sure. You can cook some dishes including omelet, fried chicken, roasted beefs, and many others. Rice porridge would be delicious also if it is mixed with chicken broth or chicken stock. You may try to have these kinds of dishes variation for your baby and kids delicious meal.
If you want to make your rice porridge becomes little bit salty then, you can add a pinch of salt to make it bit more salty and crunchy. Asian usually cooks rice porridge with the mixture of the vegetables for kids. Any way if you want to change salt instead for making your porridge crunchy and salty, you can even add for coconut milk. So, you change cups of water into cups of coconut milk. The rice porridge would be really delicious and really nice for your morning meal or for your kids. 

Remember that to cook rice porridge you need to stir more to gain really nice result of the porridge. Or when it is boiling, you can stir for more to get better mixture of porridge. But it is recommended to give your children with vegetable porridge for their nutritious and delicious meal. Making vegetable meal is easy you can add cut and boiled vegetables into the rice porridge also you can even add for pieces of chicken for the best delicious meal for sure.


Teething Baby and Teething Biscuits

Hi, dear mom! are your baby now start to teething? Do you know the symptoms of the baby who starts their teething phase?. Anyway, teething period would be painful for mom and baby. Teething is natural process that every baby would experience this phase. Baby would begin to start teething at the age of 3 months old. There are some symptoms of teething like the one is your baby keeps biting on anything. It is fine and it is natural. Don't worry what you actually need to do is that giving your baby with clean and hygienic things or toys or even better give him teething biscuit. Even you can give your children these very delicious and healthy teething biscuits. Here below is the simple and healthy recipe of how to make teething biscuit. The recipe provided below is simple and easy to cook. Come let's check out the recipe go!

Anyway today post would give you the recipe homemade of teething baby biscuits. Th recipe is simple but you should notice that the dough of this teething biscuit would be little bit sticky and cranky since the ingredients used to make this teething baby would be different for sure. The ingredients for making teething biscuits are, 1 cup of quick oats, 1 cup of ground oats and make it a coarse oat flour, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 cinnamon, or you can use ginger or cardamon, 11/4 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of baking powder and it is recommended to use the best product of baking powder because good baking powder will make better biscuit, 1 cup of mashed of over ripe banana, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and use the one of best vanilla product since best vanilla product would never taste bitter anyway, 1 teaspoon of oil use vegetable oil for sure or you can place that with shortening. Prepare all the ingredients before you cook teething biscuits. The making process of the dough would need little bit more time fore sure. So make sure that you already prepared the ingredients and do the mixture properly.

Now is how to cook the teething biscuit the first step is that you need to put together the wet and the dry ones like the first is the dry . Then make the dough after that place the dough onto the parchment paper or you can use greased baking sheet. Then bake the dough for 12-15 minutes at 350 degree. Cut the biscuit in some pieces and serve that for your little teething baby. This biscuit is really good for baby since this biscuit is really good for baby and beside it is homemade and good for baby. This biscuit also is safe for your children at the early age. Remember that maybe for the dough you feel that it is goopy and very thick and you may feel that your biscuit will never result well but don't worry, it will be fine since we use really natural ingredients and flour. 

Veggie Juice for Kids Mixed with Fruits

To fulfill the nutrition for kids are just important and that is the parent's job to make the children love to eat vegetables. Sometime children do not like to eat vegetables and there are so many way to make your children to eat vegetables. The one way is that to make vegetables as the drinks like making vegetables juice. Vegetable juice is just so nutritious drinks as your children need to consume that for immune booster. There are many recipes here that the writer would like to show you in this post. Vegetables are just main important foods for kids. Remember to always wash off every kind of the vegetables and fruits that you are going to make for veggie juices since there must be some remains of pesticides and dirt. Also it is better to use fresh vegetables and fresh fruits before you make the juices. Come go and read more for the detailed recipes of these special veggie juices for you!

Do you think that veggie juice would never be delicious? Or do you think that it is impossible to make veggie juice mixed with delicious fruits? then, here are the ones of best recipes that you can tr for veggie juice which is delicious and yummy for your kids! Beetroot and fruits juice! It is better for you to mix the vegetable like beetroot with the other fruits to whip u the taste of the juice. Here is the one of the recipe for the delicious beetroot veggie juice as the ingredients are one small beetroot, two apples of golden delicious or royal gala type which you can also choose one of them, 1/4 small pineapple, 1 stick of celery to pop up the smell, small handful of spinach, a sliced cucumber, ice cubes. Then you can blend that all through your favorite blender and serve that with love!

There is also delicious and sweet juice of carrot and pear for two kids. The ingredients of the juice is simple like you only need 2 carrots, 1 pear, and an orange. Blend them ingredients all and then you can just filter for the remaining  and serve that for the kids. If you want to make it little bit icy then you can add the ice cubes. This juice is just so delicious and so fresh and sweet. Good for the sunny day and added with ice!

Other recipe that you can try for your children is like you can make that for simple as the ingredients are 1-2 cups of chopped kale, 1 chopped pineapple, and 1  mango, then you can blend all of these ingredients for sure for your best veggie juice serving. This recipe could be for one to three cups of juices for sure. Veggie juices for children are just very beneficial for your children's growth and nutrition. If your children do not really like to eat the cooked vegetables then, this kind of the veggie juice recipes would be good for you. See you on next other recipes! Bye bye!


Smoothy Recipes for Kids

Hi, Mom... what are you going to make for your kids for their  drinks today? are you planning to have picnic on these weekends? then, making smoothies for them would be a good idea for their delicious drink. Choosing the best drink for kids is really important. what you need to do is that considering the vitamin and also the nutrition included in their drinks. Smoothies are made from vegetables and fruits would be the best choices for you. Smoothies are all well liked by the children choose favorite fruits of your children and make it the smoothies. Then, here are the best choices for vegetables and fruits smoothies, check out the best smoothies recipes below!

It Is very good to mix many kinds of the fruits for the smoothies like banana smoothies. Parents, you can mix banana with milk and it is so yummy anyway. Decorate banana smoothies with strawberry or use cute glasses to interest your kids. Banana smoothies is good for them since it contains really good vitamin like vitamin C, vitamin A which are good for your children body. It is fine to mix banana with the milk and the flavor would be so delicious. Use kinds of the good banana where you can buy banana at your favorite Walmart  or other supermarket. Choose the best variety of the banana for your best and delicious smoothy for sure. Try to have Ambonese banana for the best taste of the smoothies.

The other mixture of the vegetables and fruits for smoothies could be beet, strawberry, and cranberry would be so delicious. It is very easy to make this delicious smoothies like fr one portion you need to prepare all the ingredients including 180 cranberry juice, 24 gram cranberries or you can use one of them, 50 gram small beet that is steamed, 50 gram of frozen strawberries, 2 teaspoons of honey as the natural sweetener and you are recommended to use honey for every kinds of the smoothies you make for your children, and ice cubes. The process of making is just so easy like you need to put it all in you blender and blend that smoothly. Serve the smoothies for your children. 

Other than that you can have the other recipe for the other delicious smoothies like you can have Gold medal smoothies. The name of gold medal smoothies sounds really interesting for you and the making of this smoothies is also really easy like what you need to prepare is  120 ml of water, 1 banana peeled or you can even use half of banana, diced cantaloupe for 30 gram, 30 gram of chopped carrots, 40 gram of orange, 1/4 parts of lemon, 2 tablespoons of honey as natural sweetener, 2 cubs of ice cubs, 1/8 part of ground nutmeg, half cup of pineapple, and 34 gram of protein powder as your optional which mean you can even get rid of this. Blend that smoothly and serve!

See you on my next post with the best juices recipes!


Best Drinks for Toddlers, Kids, Old Kids

Today, we are going to talk about the best kid's drinks. Babies and kids absolutely need nutritious drink for their growth especially they need calcium. Calcium can be found in some milk products like cow's milk except for soya milk. Calcium is one nutrition that is a must to be consumed everyday for kids. But not only calcium contained in cow's milk, some vegetables are also nutritious and rich of calcium. So, there always be the solution for kids who have allergies to the cow's milk. Toddlers at the average age from 1-3 years old need for about 700 milligram calcium in a day that is a standard amount of calcium.

If your children do not like to drink plain milk then, you can give them milk with some flavors. Giving flavors like strawberry, chocolate, vanilla would make your children like to enjoy their milk. Anyway kids at the average age 4-8 years old, they need calcium for 1000 milligram in a day, and old kids for about 8-19 years old need 1,300 milligram calcium in a day. Make sure that our children consume calcium enough in a day with proper amount of calcium. 

What parents are actually need to watch out for their children drinks is that to avoid children from sugary drinks since it is the one cause of children's obesity and also make sure that your children drinks not more than one or two kinds of drink in a day like it can crowd out the milk absorption.It is better to give your children milk in a day and one kind of the other drink like juice or it is better to give your children only milk drink. As good parents for your children, it is better for you to make sure that your children calcium nutrient is enough in a day.

Parent can also give children the other additional drink instead of milk like juices and remember do not ever give your little kid with soda since soda contains much amount of sugar and lots of sugar for your kids is not healthy. SO, it is better for you to avoid any kind of soda drink for your children. Give  your children juice like mango juice, banana juice and any other kind of juice like strawberry, avocado, and many others.

You can even make a mixture of juice like you can mix the fruit banana and lemon, melon and strawberry, and many others. For your old kids or between teenagers, you can even give them with  these kinds of juice. During their growth time, you need to give them really nutritious drink like those juices. It is good for them for sure. Beside the drinks, you need to give your children with the other nutritious foods. Yet, you need to remember that, parents only need to watch out the diets and the calories that they need for sure. Avoid kids' obesity it doesn't mean give them lots of foods for their growth but balance nutritious food and drinks are important.


Soya Milk for Kids, Is It Safe?

Soya milk is made by the soybean extract. Soya milk can be the alternative of the cow's milk for the children who have the allergies with cow's milk. Soya milk contains many vitamin but not for B12 vitamin. B12 vitamin can be only found in cow's milk for sure. But the question is, is this soya milk good alternative for the children's alternative milk? The one solution taht is offered for you is that you need to choose the best one for your children. 

Choosing good quality of soya milk in the market is really important. Let's give you the number one good tip. Choose soya milk that contains fortified with vitamin A, D, and also calcium. Those vitamins are also not contained in pure soya milk. So if you decide to buy the soya milk instead of cow's milk for your children, you need to choose the one that is fortified with other vitamins for sure.

Sometime children who have allergies to cow's milk also may have some percents of allergies to soya milk maybe for only 10-14 %. But don't worry just make sure that your children would not get any bad allergies any more with soya milk for sure as you can consult your doctor. Usually you need to checkout the contains of the soya milk after you know the cause of your children's allergies of cow's milk.Or i it is make sense just make sure that you choose the one best alternative of milk from doctor's recommendation.

If your children get trauma of cow's milk and the milk it self, you can even add some flavors to your children's soya milk like you can have strawberry, orange, melon, and many others. This will make your children love to drink the milk for sure. Consult to your doctor for the consume of the soya milk since it may also cause the allergies to adulthood as soya milk contains isoflavon. Isoflavon is the kind of teh nutrient that is usually not been found in any chidlren's like cow's milk. 

If your decide to change the cow's milk into soya's milk, then you need to also pay attention to another nutrient contained in your milk for sure. It is very recommended to give your children calcium nutrient like in broccoli, and other vegetables. Children's allergies  are mostly caused by the lactose contained in cow's milk. So, avoid any drinks that contains cow's mil or any kind of the food product with cow's milk. 

Soya milk is the one alternative for your children who has allergies to cow's milk. But before you decide to use soya milk for your babies or infant, you need to consult it to your doctor first. Consider the isoflavon contained in soya milk since it will effect to the hormones like estrogen later. Giving the best milk drink for your children and used to make your children always drink milk everyday. This will build their good immune for sure. See you on our next post bye!
