Hi, mommy! what are you cooking today for your
little baby? Today, this post will give you the receipts of healthy porridge
for 8 months old baby. It is so easy to make the rice porridge,rice actually
there are some different consistency in making the porridge including the ways
you give water in the mixture of porridge. Here is actually the recipe of how
making rice porridge as there are three kinds of the mixture of
rice porridge including thick medium and thin/watery. The recipes are very simple and make sure you
choose the best one for your children. This rice porridge is actually staple
cuisine for all ages in Asian country. So see the explanation below!
Those three kinds of the rice porridge mixture
would be for these following composition as if you want it thick then you only
need one cup of the rice with 8 cups of the water, medium as for you need to
give for 10 cups of water, and if you want to have watery and thin rice
porridge then you can add for 13 cups of water anyway. Kids love to have really
crunchy porridge so you can even add their favorite skim milk into the porridge
as well. Just add 5 teaspoons of skim milk for 1 cup of rice or even one more teaspoon of milk.
Other than that rice porridge can be cooked in
other receipt like you can even add cut vegetables for your rice porridge. Even
for more you can add some dishes and the porridge for the delicious meal ala
Asian. What do you think? You may better try this rally delicious dishes
for sure. You can cook some dishes including omelet, fried chicken, roasted
beefs, and many others. Rice
porridge would be delicious also if it is mixed with chicken broth or chicken
stock. You may try to have these kinds of dishes variation for your baby and
kids delicious meal.
you want to make your rice porridge becomes little bit salty then, you can add
a pinch of salt to make it bit more salty and crunchy. Asian usually cooks rice
porridge with the mixture of the vegetables for kids. Any way if you want to
change salt instead for making your porridge crunchy and salty, you can even
add for coconut milk. So, you change cups of water into cups of coconut milk.
The rice porridge would be really delicious and really nice for your morning
meal or for your kids.
that to cook rice porridge you need to stir more to gain really nice result of the
porridge. Or when it is boiling, you can stir for more to get better mixture of
porridge. But it is recommended to give your children with vegetable porridge
for their nutritious and delicious meal. Making vegetable meal is easy you can
add cut and boiled vegetables into the rice porridge also you can even add for
pieces of chicken for the best delicious meal for sure.
(source: threeplustwohomeschool.com)
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