Manners to be Taught to Kids

Hi parents! Remember that it is very important to teach children moral values including shaping their characters. What actually we need to do is that we have to know that the moral value is a real important to be taught to the children including affection. We want our children to grow and become a passionate child. A passionate child would possibly grow in a family who has a real struggle to teach the children about passionate. Especially teaching children about these manners and go check out for the children’s manners that you need to teach for the children.

Sometime children do not realize that what they do is just about unpoliteness. So, as parents we need to teach them about the real manners toward him. So here is the first manner that parents need to teach for the children as tell your children that when they need something and want to ask someone, they need to say please. This politeness should be taught since in the early age. 

The second manner that you need to teach to your children is that when children receiving something, they need to say thank you for the giver. Tell to your children to use to say thank you to those who give them something or for those who help them. This is what we called with the basic moral value that everyone needs to have. Parents could be the role model of this kind of the important moral value. 

The third manner that children need to know is that children should not interrupt when adults interact to the others. It could be annoying for some parents when they are going to their neighbors with children and when both parent and neighbor having conversation, a little child interrupt them. Tell them and make them promise not to interrupt them when parent still have conversation with other person at least it is emergency. So, children will understand that they would notice and respond when parents and other are finished talk to each other. 

The fourth manner is that teach your children not to bad comment on the other’s physical body. Teach your children to give compliment to the other. Tell them to used to give compliment since the compliments are always welcome but not to always giving too much compliment on people. Giving too much compliments would look like unnatural. Teach them how to compliment on someone or something. 

The fifth manner that you can teach to your children is that you can teach your children to always knock on the door before entering in someone’s house. Tell them to wait the response after knocking the doors and after it is allowed to the host of the house to come in. The sixth manner is that you have to teach your children not to use foul language to the adults since it is not common and really unpolite and do not call mean names. Sometime parents call their children with different mean names. Give your children a role model who is their parent themselves.


See 5 tips Teaching Patience to Kids

Hi! Meet us again in a real nice post about the tips how to teach a moral value that is patience to kids. You know it is a kind of nature of human cannot be patient. To be patient need to be trained for sure even it is better if it is started since at the early age. In the early age, children are so easy to be taught kinds of the moral value including patient. See whether your children could wait the line in the grocery but not for all children are all patient to wait anyway. Now to check out for the tips to train your children become more patient then, you could just read the next article below. Go and read more!

The first tip that you can do to train your children become patient is that you as the parent need to be role model for the patient. Parents need to role model for children in every ting that they do. Show that yourself is kind of the patient person. For example when you are about to make your children to school in the morning which this time is the stressful time since your children are difficult to get up and get themselves ready. So, the solution is that you should not be too serious to make your children get ready just like tell some jokes to keep your kids move along. 

The second tip that you can do is to use reflective listening. This way is all about to make your children to say about their feelings related to the patience. When waiting becomes a real boring activity then you need to listen them about their feeling about waiting thus they will feel fine and calm for sure. It is fine for them even once they sigh. Listen to them what they feel just let them tell you what they feel.  

The third tip that you can do is that you have to use times. Do you ever respond to your children relate to the time like saying “in one minute” “in two minutes” and many other time spelled. But in the fact is that you didn’t even fulfill this time promise. This teaches children becomes really not be patient. You ever found that your children asked you something to be helped and you said that kind of time promised and you didn’t even fulfill and your children already finished doing the thing without your help. The right thing that you can do to say that you will do that is to say that you are going to help them after the time you promised over or even after you finished your job. 

The fourth tip that you can do is that teaching coping skill. This coping skill is important to kill time. While you are waiting with your children you can invite your children to play games like hiding rhyme and others which can support your children to be more patient and kill the time. Teach them how to coping the time with this simple way to do just like playing game.

Cooking with Kids : Pinto Bean and Cheese Tacos

Hi Mom, Here in this post, we are going to talk about the thing that is called family therapy to build the good relationship between mom and children. Mom can do this real memorable activity with children like cooking together. Preparing meal with your children could build closeness between you and your children. So, lucky you to find this post since here is a real simple receipt of cooking that you can do together with your children. Let’s go and read more!

Cooking together with children would be fun activity beside this activity can build closeness between you and your children. Try this simple cooking meal called Pinto bean and cheese tacos. This kind of the meal is a real easy this you can do that together with your children. The ingredients that you need to prepare are 15 ounce of pinto beans all rinsed, ¾ cup of salsa mild, 1 heart of romaine, 8 taco shells, 1 cup of shredded cheese. 

Those ingredients above are easy to find at your kitchen. But when you find those ingredients above are not available in your kitchen then, you can ask your children to buy the ingredients which are sold in the supermarket wit you together having a family shopping. This could be away to get closer with your children at home. Family relationship should be maintained just like you can do this creative occasion with your children. Beside that, this kind of the activity is a real good to know your children personality, habits, and you can also teach them how to do a better cooking. 

Now, let’s move on to the way to do the cooking as the first step is that you need to put together beans and half cup of salsa and put them in a microwave until hot for about one to two minutes. In this step you can ask your children to wash and rinse the beans and you can ask them to combine them together. After that, tear the lettuce into bite-size pieces. At this step, you can help your children to tear the lettuce into bite-size-pieces. 

The next step is that, divide the tacos into four plates after that you place the bean mixture among taco shells and top lettuce, then give cheddar and the remain of salsa.  Serve these meals on the plate. Ask your children to decorate the plate as beautiful as they can. This receipt would be only for two persons and if you want to make more than two portions of meals then, you can add the measurements of the ingredients. 

For the drink you can make milk shake or even tea. Just choose one of them or you can offer to your children what kind of the drink best for these kinds of the meal. To check out for the other receipt of meals that you can do with your children together, you can check out at the other next post about easy receipts for cooking with kids!


Children with Bipolar and the Symptoms

Bipolar in children should not be neglected. Parents, you can see that your children get bipolar or not since the age 6 years old. So, that your children can be diagnosed bipolar or nota t the age of 6 years old and it is also called DMDD or disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. This kind of the problem can be diagnosed and developed till the age of 18 years old. Let’s discuss this psychology problem by go read more below!

To diagnose and to make sure that your children is bipolar is not is bit difficult since the symptoms of bipolar resembles to the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These chilren who suffer bipolar or ADHD may feel psychotic symptoms like hearing, seeing things which are not real. Te other symptoms could be aches and pains. The aches and pains are commonly happening at the unsure time. So, that there should be no difference between ADHD and DMDD including the symptoms. The differences are only if DMDD is followed by psychotic symptom as aches and pain. 

So, parents and teachers, here are some medications step that you can do to handle bipolar children or teens. The first thing that you can d is that you consult to the psychologist to know the right steps to handle the children at home. You should follow the medication completely. Do the routine check up to know the condition of the children. If it is possible you can consult to your teachers about the medical steps that you can d for handling this kind of the children. Make sure that you do eh cooperation with the teachers there to handle the bipolar children. 

There will the pill medicine to handle this kind of the psychological problem and currently used for adults. But anyway it is not been tested yet for the children. The side effects for the children could be the weight gain, changes of the blood sugar, and also cholesterol. The issue spread that the antidepressant containing in this medicine would increase the risk of the suicide for the children. 

The other medicine is also the family. Family should support children from suffering bipolar so it is like family therapy. Having bipolar child in a family could be depressing in a marriage. But the teamwork in a family to give family therapy for bipolar patient for children is real important. This kind of the bipolar problem could be also depressing or the children. So, that parents and teachers should not ignore when they say about their desire to end the life. So, parents need to make away anything like nay weapon which are possibly could be used to hurt themselves. 

Bipolar children also always get something troubles with their daily routines. So, family therapy is really needed. Parents need to make sure that they do their daily routine proper for sure. So, parent need to check out whether they do the routine properly like gets up, eat meals, do exercise, and go to bed.


Natural Immune Boosters for Children (prevent cold and influenza)

Hi parents! It is rainy season now and the cold and influenza are just the main threat for this kind of the season for sure especially for children. So, influenza and cold can be avoided by give them immune booster. There are many natural immune boosters for sure. Natural immune boosters can be consumed and got from the foods and drinks. The natural immune boosters can be from the foods like fruits and vegetables that children consume everyday! Here are check the foods and the drinks that can boost the immune! Goa and read more!

The first food that is used to be for immune booster is elderberry. This elderberry is folk remedy used to heal any kind of the sickness including cold and influenza. Elderberry contains lots of nutrients and it is good for immune booster. This kind of the fruit contains antioxidants. That is good for immune booster and protects the body from viruses. You can give elderberry to your children if the like of even you can make it into juice.

The second food that can be consumed for immune booster is button mushroom. Many of you love to consume button mushroom especially for adults but how about the children? If children do not like button mushroom then, parents you need to cook the button mushroom so that your children would love to eat for sure.

The third drink that your children could consume for their immune booster is that yogurt. Yogurt contains live active cultures which are really good for the digestion and also it is also good as immune boosters. You can serve yogurt everyday for daily meal and breakfast. Add some natural flavors like banana, strawberry, pineapple, and many others. 

The oats and barleys are good food for children and these kinds of the food should be daily staple for breakfast. These kinds of the meals are so good for immune boosters since these meals. This barleys and oat are just good foods to prevent from influenza and cold. This kind of the food also can avoid herpes, anthrax. These foods also become antibiotics for sure. 

The fourth is food that is really common and also delicious like chicken soup. According to the research from University of Nebraska and in chicken soup should contain spices including garlic which those spices could help to release the mucus as well in the bronchial tubes. Eat the chicken soup while it is still hot so that this will help so much to reduce the influenza symptoms. 

To boost your immune you can add the meat like beef at your children’s meal. This beef contain lots of nutrition including zinc. This meat is good for zinc deficiency. But for vegetarian you can cut off the beef meat for the diet. Zinc is important for the body since it help to develop the white blood cells. It helps to destroy bacteria, and also viruses. So, if you find your children have influenza or cold, then give those foods and drink for immune booster.


Decorating Children’s Room

Hi parents! Are your children excited to decorate their room? Here are the ideas for you and for your children to decorate their own room. Actually decorating the rooms for children would be easier when you have already decided the theme for the room.  Lucky you to find this post! I am going to give you the ideas of decorating the children’s room and because you will find the tips to remember when you are going to decorate your children rooms. To find the tips then you can go and read more below!

The first tip and the first time you need to decorate the children’s room is that you have to decorate the wall first. Decide the color of the wall or even you can decide the pattern of the wall. If you have boy kid then you can decide to give them the color of the wall like blue or navy blue. Also when you have little girl you can give the pink color of the wall and also you can add some poster like Barbie poster and many others. You can also add the pattern of the wall like giving the wall little bit mosaic pattern. 

The second tip is that you have to do when you are about to decorate the children room according to Feng Shui. If the children is a water typical according to the year as when they were born then, this typical of children need to have larger room for the,. SO provide them the larger room as well or decorate the room so that it looks larger. This water typical children needs lots of more storage and the color that you can give for decorating the room is blue, silver grey, gold, and white. What you need to avoid is the colors which are beige cream, beige, and green. 

The third tip is typically steady personality then, what you need to treat them with giving them color like cream, beige, sand, and pink. Then avoid the wall colors like green, silver, and white. Since this kind of the steady personality children is earth according to Feng Shui then they need to have puffy chairs, cushions, mattresses, pillows, beanbags. 

Tree or wood is usually for children born at the years of 2004-2003. Those children are just real. This typical kind of the children would be angry and tantrums. So the color that is good for your children who were born at those years like light green, and any shade of blue, but avoid the color like pink, red, silver, and gold. Make sure that you use natural color as well. 

Then, here are the rule that you need to have or your children at the age of 7-8 years old then you should give them posters like jungle books images, and the children at the age of 10-11 years old then you can give them pop starts posters or foot ball players, and the children at the age 13-14 years old, you can give them posters of celebrities. 


Discipline Children!

Hi parents and teachers! We are as adults and are responsible to teach children about the moral values and good attitude and the one is discipline. Discipline is important and needed in all daily life. We teach discipline is to civilizing the children. Many parents would say that discipline children is not thateasy as the parents may think about it but it is for sure that we are parents need to check out the tips in the article below about how to discipline children without they have to close their eyes and eyes!

The first tip is that we have to give reward for their good behavior. As we know that we apply punishment for not to be discipline bit also we should not forget to give them the rewards for those who are able to be discipline. You can reward them like by giving them chocolate and many others. But you should not always reward them with tons of chocolate for everyday but you can reward them with the reward like by saying “good job” and many others. 

The second tip is that we should be clear about the rules. To discipline children is not that hard when you make the rule for the children then you need to be clear about the rules that you made up. To check whether the discipline could work better in your children is like when your children are having spare time and playing something try to interrupt them little while by asking them to help you for minutes, then if they fulfill your request, then the children are capable to be more discipline. 

The third tip for discipline children is like teach them the appropriate and expected behavior. For example when you hope your children to eat by sitting then, you can make your children get used to do eat by sitting like you can have a family dinner or lunch together by sitting at the table this will mold your children behavior.
The fourth tip is that set the clear limits and consequences. Tell the consequences that your children may face when they break the rules and the promises. You can set the limits that your children can do to avoid the consequences. This kind of the rules would help them to be discipline for sure. The right consequences actually are the punishments for the kids for breaking the rules. 

The fifth tip is that if you want to discipline your children then, what you need to do is that you need to be a disciplinarian like you need to be consistent to be a disciplinarian and to be the role model for the children. Since children will imitate the attitude form the adults thus parents and teachers should be the real disciplinarian for their own children. Parents need to present the united role model for the children which means parents need to work together to discipline the children and give the role  models for them. Well then, see the next other tips in the next article. See you!


Delicious Banana Biscuits for Healthy Children Snacks!

Hello, what are you going to bake today mom? Lucky since we have a great receipt of today for the best cakes for children. Today article would be the one that is delicious recipe for the fruit cookie. Well, you know that banana contains lots of nutrition and today we are going to talk about the recipe of delicious banana biscuits. You know the fruit like banana should be the one of the fruit which is real delicious to be made as kinds of the cakes including biscuits. To check out the recipe you can click go and read more below!

The ingredients that you need to prepare to make this delicious banana biscuits are  suga3 large bananas which are all ripe and they are already mashed, 125 gram of butter, 1 cup of sugar, one and half cup raising flour,  a half cup of coconut,  a half rolled cup of oats. Those are all the ingredients of making a real delicious banana biscuits and these kinds of the ingredients are all easy to be found in your kitchen. Make sure that you already prepared all the ingredients in. 

Then, here below is the ways to bake the cakes and biscuits like you need to make the dough of delicious banana cakes like pre-heat the oven for about 230o celcious and then line the baking tray with baking paper and set aside. Then, to make the dough you need to use electric mixer and the first thing to do is to cream the butter and sugar. After you already made the butter then, you add the mashed banana and mix them together. After that, add the flour, oats, and also coconut after that stir that until combined well. 

Stir it well and form the biscuit using teaspoon and place the cookie dough on baking tray. After that you have to bake the cake in 200 degrees celcious for about ten minutes. It is a real simple thing to bake them well. After ten minute you can take the cookies from the oven and place the cookies on the clean tray and you can chill them. Serve the cookies for your children. They can be served for evening biscuits or even morning biscuits for the children. These banana cookies are so delicious and so healthy.

This kind of the recipe is really beneficial for you happy mom to make a variant of the fruity cookies. This banana is actually a good natural flavor for the biscuits for sure. The flavor of the cookies is so natural and the taste would be so good as the real fruit. These cookies could be lunch for kids and you can complete your kids’ lunch. 

You can add the Nutella inside the cookies would be more delicious for sure. Even you can add chochocips onto the biscuits. You can even use the other others.kinds of the fruits instead of banana like apple, banana, pineapple, and many others. See you at the other posts with the other recipes!

Sexual Problem of the Children

Today in this article, we are going to talk about sexual problems of the children. Parents and children, you need to know that actually children with sexual behavior problems cannot be considered like the sexual offenders as when the adults do that. As parents and teachers, you need to know that there are some reasons why children look like they have sexual problems behavior. Let’s check out the reasons why they do that kind of the like sexual behaviors or attitude.

The first thing that may cause who children are seemingly have sexual problem behavior is like having exploratory behavior. This kind of the phase is common or normal for every child and parents and teachers are responsible for them to give them the sexual education for them. Beside that if the children real have sexual behavior problem so, parents and teachers need to seek the information about the children whether they get sexual abuse or past trauma related to the sexual things. 

Sexual abuse is not merely happening because of the physically sexual abuse but also it may happen because of the social media, nudity in the family and many others. So, the environment surround the children is the real influencer for the children. Sexual behavior problem may relate to the children for sure. So what you need to do to handle this kind of these children.  

The thing that you need to be avoided when you see that your child has sexual behavior problem is that you have to know that doing maltreatment to them like make the child is aliened and having separate home separate environment would be a wrong decision since this will ruin your children much far away from what they have now. The job of the parents is that they need to stop this kind of the behavior as they will grow into youth and this would be a real dangerous if it is still be continued. 

Sexual education should be important for your children. Children need to understand the sexual body parts of the human for sure. Telling what is dangerous for them and not. Talking about sexual parts and biological of the human is not again to be like taboo. These are the facts that they need to know. Let’s talk about the case of the children sexual problem as when we see the children attempt to touch the boobs of the mannequin at the cloth shop. As parents we should not let them to touch them but we need to tell the children the parts of the body and the consequence when people doing that kind of the thing at the public area. 

Parents and teachers need to make them understand for sure about sexual thing but not for over. So, that the children will be aware and understand what they need to be kept and not to do in the public. Well, then. See you at the other articles with the other kinds of the best articles about kids. See you!

Kids Rash and Treatments for Kids

Hi parents! Today, this post would talk about the viral virus that may attack children which is rash. You may sorry to your children and just like bit scary since rash may come suddenly your child. Anyway talking about rashes, these kinds of the skin sickness causes by the bacteria or viruses for sure. Or even it may be caused by the reaction of the certain drugs. Common rashes causes by the bacteria as in this case is like when your child have an allergies to their diapers or when the diapers are worn for bit long hours.

Other than that, Kid rashes may also happen caused by the virus. Usually when the rashes caused by the virus, children would have fever before the rashes comes out on the skin. So, you need to differentiate the symptoms of it. By the way, let’s talk about the rashes caused by the virus called Varicella and the sickness of rashes called chickenpox. Chickenpox virus could actually attack everyone who has weak immune as children who still develop their immune and also it may attack to new born baby. 

But don’t worry now since chickenpox is now available for the vaccine so that you can that at the hospital near your home. Chickenpox vaccine can be give to the children at the age of 1 year old. Chicken virus will incubate for about 1-2 weeks before it causes the rashes. This chickenpox virus can expose everyone by the lesions or direct contact with the infected person. So, let’s check out the symptoms of chickenpox which you need to know all about.

The first symptom that you should know is that chicken pox will causes rashes which are itchy and it will invade the area of the entire body one by one. The other symptom which may follow the chickenpox is like sore-throat, malaise, and red eyes. The right treatment to reduce itchy on the skin is that you can apply salicyl powder. This is for sure can help to reduce skin itchiness. 

Talking the other rashes caused by the bacteria. If your children wear to much long hour of diaper, then you need to choose the other kind of the diaper which is made from the cotton. The bacteria will be easily to spread as they live in the humid area. Choose the best diaper for your little baby. Rashes may make your children feeling uncomfortable since those are really itchy. 

Anyway if your children have rashes, then, the first aid that you can do is that you have to make sure whether the rashes come out followed by the fever or not. Then, to reduce itchiness, you need to apply salicyl powder to reduce the redness of the rashes. This kind of the sickness like rashes caused by the bacteria infection of the virus infection is very common. But parents need to give them the right medical prescription for sure to heal the rashes quickly and real fine. See you on the next best article.


How to Handle Anger of Children

Hi, parents! So, today we are going to talk about the angry children and how to handle?. Do you know that angry is a kind of the natural emotion anyway. Many parents feel that handling children may be difficult for them anyway also it is kind depressing. You know what if you are parents and you find that you have angry children then, what you need to think first is that you have to understand that the anger is not always bad since anger is a natural emotion for sure.

Parents and also teacher need to know that children are all allowed to express kinds of the feelings that they feel. The thing that is angry is a kind of the defense feeling to avoid painful feeling for sure. This angry feeling triggers of sadness and depression.  During the childhood you need to see that there are some causes that may make your children becomes so angry for sure. But you have to know what are the real differences about anger and depression.

So, let’s talk about anger and aggression. Anger is a state of emotion which is common to be happen and we know the kind of the expression on the face. But the aggression is an attempt to hurt someone for sure. So the solution to handle the angry children is that we should not have the desire to punish them. What we need to do is to reach them and to know the roots why are they angry. 

If it is possible you need to reach them for sure seeing the real reason why they are angry. If your children doing aggression then you have to deliberately ignore them for sure. Use closeness and touching. Closeness and touching is like usually angry children would less their tension of angry pulse when adults come closer to them. Children need companion of the children. Touch them with affection and talk to them. 

To low the tension of the angry children you can do beside touching them and giving them affection, you can give humor. Doing teasing is not really recommended since they may get even angrier but in the other cases like teasing can work well to low the tension of the angry children. The other tip that can be done to handle angry children is using promises and rewards like the case when a child is angry when they are playing with the other children and the fact is that your child is easy to be angry then you can make him promise not to play when he is still easy and angry just like that. 

Parents need to tell this to their children angry should not be like having fists but angry can be expressed by words or even the expression. This will save them from doing kind of the aggression. Giving punishment to the children is fine anyway but it is not physical punishment but instead of it. And the last is give them role models and in this case is from their own parents.


Treatments for Kids with Fever

It is understandable that kids are so close with kinds of the disease. It is good for you to know that children may be easily caught fever. It is called fever fears. Parents, you may find that your children can be easily having fever when they caught any kind of the disease. Almost every disease of children cause fever for children as like cold, flu, Roseola, RSV, and many others. Parents need to know the first aid kid information how to take over the children from the fever. So, let’s check the ways by read more!

Fever can be a serious disease for the children especially or the baby, you need to know that the baby at the age of 3 months old till 6 months old would be easily to caught from any kind of the disease. Once your infant caught fever and it hits 101o F, then you need to see the pediatric and the doctor to make sure his condition. This fever at the infant 3-6 months old could be the signs of the virus infection or others since their immune system is still developed and it is vulnerable.  

The thing that you need to remember is that you have to know also pay attention to the other symptoms of the sickness for sure. Fever could be the one of the symptom of the kind of the sickness of child. If the fever is followed by the other symptoms like strep throat, earache, or urinary less than usual then you need to check up again he may have dehydration. Make sure that when your children hit by fever pay attention for the water consumption. Do not let your children get dehydration when they have fever. 

If there are happening the other symptoms like those mentioning above you need to see the doctor. Or if you find your child cries as there is no tears then, this could be a sign of the dehydration caused by the high fever. The other symptoms followed could be like urinary tract infection, this can be cured by giving your child kind of the antibiotics. But you should not give antibiotics with no doctor’s prescription since this would be a real dangerous. Make sure that the antibiotics that you give to your children are recommended by the doctor. 

So, in the conclusion when your children are hit by the fever, what you got to do is to make sure they drink enough water, give them the medicine to low the fever temperature, and see some symptoms following the fever. If the fever is not healing for more than two days then, you should see the doctor to know what kind of the ailments. Watch the symptoms carefully for sure. It is for sure to give children the best medical prescription from the pediatric. Don’t be panic and stay careful since fever could be also the symptom of the teething if it is not be followed by any kind of the symptoms. See you at the other post then!


How to Handle kids with Depression

Parents, children may suffer from depression. Every people ever fight their own depression but if it is a kid then, you need to help him to fight for the depression. It is real important to remember like children may do not even realize or understand that they got depression. They may feel strong feeling inside them and they act out different for sure. It may be though for you as teacher or parents to handle the depressed child as there are many level of depression or sure. Someday if you are doubt to handle your children, so you can find or to see the psychologist for sure to seek for the suggestions and right ways to handle but here are some yips to handle them better.

The first thing that you can do to handle your children is you need to stop on blaming your children or yourself. You need to be neutral and always keep your mind clean. There are many acts that may come up from your children who fight for depression. So be patient. You should know that clinical depression is like a disease. 

The second tip is that just don’t freak out. Supportive doctor and parents are good to help the children fight from depression. Make the people surround them understand the children. Environment and people surround them are really important to help them out to fight for the depression or sure. If you are about to make your children go to school then you can advocate your children’s school of the health care and the teachers there. You can even talk to the teachers and build up some goods teamwork with them. This will help your children fight for the depression. 

The third tip is that sometime your children hide their own depression from their parents. So, as parents you need to talk openly with your children. Communication is really important as it is like a bridge to have such kind a like problem solving. If it is possible you can even ask your children to tell kinds of the stories or the hard feelings that they suffer at that time or even things that bothering their minds or feelings. You need to tell to your children that there is nothing that may upset you as the parents. You need only openness about something that make them upset and build them a confidence. 

 Talk to your children frequently. It is better for you to know that you are as parents and you need to talk to them frequently. You should not tell them everything that relate to the deep down heart just begin with the simple daily conversation like “how was your day at school?”. You can make a meal together with your children just like asking them to do some fun with your together. This will help you o talk a lot with them. Make sure that the situation at your home is really comfortable so that they can talk a lot with you children. This will help them to express their feelings.


Handling Kid’s Bad Behavior

Hi guys! Today this article would talk about the best ways to handle ad behavior at school for your children. Children who have trouble at school means that they have strong feeling that need to handle at home by their own parents and children may act bad when parents give too much punishment or it may be children cannot express their feelings at home so that they act bad at school. So, here are some tips that parents can do to handle these kinds of the bad behaviors of the children at school like having disruptive talking, fighting, and many others.

The first thing that parents need to remember when children act bad behavior at school is that you should not punish them too much. It is like when you punish them this will only prolong his bad feelings in himself subconsciously for sure. Punish them will only make them feeling terrible and this will your children down. You need to find the root of any kind of the problems of the children before doing something on him. So, do this second tip. 

The second is you need to think about what is actually going on your children. Find the root of the problem. It is like when you know that your student act bad at school is just because he has a family problem like their parents are divorced or because their parents are just so busy with their works and many others. So, it is really important to think about the truth behind it. In some cases, children also fight their past traumas. So, these kinds of the children of course have strong feelings which it need some good handle for sure. 

The third tip is that you need to talk to them as like what is actually the thing that bothering them so that they act that ways. This communication is really important to build up the bridge of problem solving. The first thing that you have to ask is that with the positive question this is like a decoy for them to tell about everything related to them. Do not be like to the point like you talk to the adults. You have to make it like an ice breaking for sure. 

Let your children fall apart which means you need to put your arm down to handle your children for sure. You need to listen his cry even you laugh at the joke that they make so that they will have a friend on your for sure. So, that their big emotional will release and they will make them understand. Parents at home are real friends. So, for those busy parents need to take down a little bit the tight schedule to pay attention to their children like listening for all kinds of the thing that make and help to solve the problems inside of the children. Parents need to participate a lot rather than teacher at school. Parents mean a lot for children so help them now!
