Benefits of Bedtime Stories for Children

Hi, parents! So, today I am going to give you the best information as why we actually need to read to our kids the stories before bed. It is better for you to tell the stories before beds. It is better for parents to choose the stories which are containing moral values on it. Avoid telling them bad stories for them. Here are several reasons why parents need to tell stories to children. Go read more below and get the best information then!

The first benefit that you can get if you tell story to your children before beds is just because is it will build the strong relationship between you and your children. Time before bed is the perfect time for you and your children to build stronger relationship. It is better to start telling bed time stories to your children while they are in early age. This is for sure will strengthen the bond between you and your children. The older age of your children, you will find difficulties of distraction and intimacy.

The second benefit that you can give to your children is that it can increase your children vocabulary. Other than that, this would also give the best additional vocabularies. If student has great English vocabularies then, this will enhance children’s confidence and this will give positive social impact. Children would learn to speak up better. They will feel smart and the most important thing is that they will feel they are easy going. 

The third benefit that you can get if you tell bed time story to your children is that they will get lots of moral values to learn. So, in the beginning of the article is that you need to choose the best bed time stories for sure. Parents need to be selective to choose the best story for your kids. It is recommended to tell children bed time stories like the hero stories which included local moral values for sure. Make sure that you achieve the best moral value.

Why bedtime stories are so important to be told to children while they are going to sleep. It is just because that will motivate the children and also it will make children understand some local values. Children are able to think about the benefits of their deeds. Other than that, parents can build stronger bond between children and the parents.

Parents need to avoid choosing sad stories since it will make children are less confident. Less confident just make children so afraid on doing something best. You know bedtime stories could be the therapy for children to make children is away from short attention spans. Short attention span is caused by the television. Television could make children just like restless. It also could distract children focus. Avoid children watching television before bed. Children are better to be told bedtime stories rather than watching television. Children who are told bedtime stories would be more likely being so much focus. In addition, bedtime stories told to children would also cultivate the imagination.

Tip to Help Kids Doing Their Homework

Hi guys! Today, this article would tell you about how to help your children to do their homework. It is necessary to help your children to always do their homework. It is a must to make your children always do their homework. Children may be troubled on doing their homework since there are many reasons behind it including that they are lazy on doing that homework with the reason that they do not have time to do their homework. So, parents better check out these tips to get your children do their homework. 

The first tip that you can do to make your children get to do their homework is that turn off the TV set. If the TV is turn on, your children would be lazy on doing their homework. It is for sure that your children would be watching TV especially their favorite program and they will forget their homework. But if the radio or other device that is sounding like radio, or MP 3 it is fine for some children love to listen to music while they are doing their homework.

The second tip that you can do is to design the area for study. So, the thing that you can do while you are going to design is that you need to see for the designs. Design the table of for the study should be wide and good to save the supply like pencils, pen, paper, books, and others. Make sure that you eliminate the space that is not actually useful for them.

The other tip that you can do to is to make a regulation since regularity is a key factor of academic success. You need to tell to your children that you need to reorganize the schedule like you need to use to make standard time for supper, lunch, and other. So, your children will follow the rhyme of the daily activities. To get your children used to do their daily routine in your home is good.

The next tip that you can do when you are about to make your children to do their homework is that you need to organize their study and their homework project. Good parents need to know the children’s homework. It is really good for you to make your children are able to do their homework on their own. But sometimes you also need to help your children to do their homework. It is not like parents do children’s homework but it is likely that parents need to be the teacher at home. 

If your children experienced traumatic test then, helping them while they are doing homework is good. It is like you can monitor your children and give supports for your children for some of subjects. Parents can also check the score test of the children. It is a real good checking strategy for the children. Busy parents could even check children’s score test by helping children to do their homework. See you on next article with best tips!


Thing You Are Better not to Say to Your Children

Hi, parents, teaching children are so important for you to develop their characters. You need to know that actually you need to know the best ways to teach your children including for how to talk to children and the things that you should not say to your children. Now parents, you need to know the things you should not say to your children. Let’s check them out below!

Sometime parents, say something that make children feel confused, angry, or even hurt. So, parents need to know the best things should be avoided to be said to the children. Parents may suffer kinds of the depression or even get stressed. Parents may say “leave me alone” to their children. The best thing that you have to know is that this kind of the statement said to the children is a big no. You may want to stay alone. But from the infancy, you need to make your children understand that you also have sometime to be alone. Like you can co-op with your baby sitter since they were children or just park your children to watch the movie. 

Other than that, you also need to change the statement like “don’t cry” into “don’t be sad” this would cause their feeling. Children would rather be so sad and express their feeling with crying. It is better for you to say don’t be sad. This will help them to realize that kind o the feeling that is sad and also help them to encourage their feeling for sure. Since, you name their emotion that is sad, this will help them to describe their emotion and they will cry less. 

The other words which should be avoided while you are with your children that is parents should not say “why can’t you be more like your sisters”. This is a clear for the comparison.  Comparison would never help your children to change their behaviors. Instead of saying that, you can only encourage your children instead if comparing them to the elders. 

The next word that you should not say to your children is that “you know better than that” This kind of the utterance actually would never be encouraging your children to do much better but instead of that you can just say “I like it better if you do this way”. Including the jabs like “I can’t believe you did that” and also it is “about matter of time”. 

As parents you also should not say the words like “wait till daddy get home” in some case to stop children to do something that is not fine. So, you need to taking care the child’s situation immediately this kind of the way is only to postpone. This will never be working for sure. It will also undermine your authority for sure. So, better you tell the truth and make them work. You also need to know that saying hurry up would just make your children feeling so hectic especially when you say it to your little children.



Hi, parents today we are giving you the best article about the kids’ toys. As children love to play their toys yet their mom and daddy need to know the best toys for them. Children need to get kinds of toys which are best for their ages. Make sure that your children get their best toys according to their ages and gender. So, to check out the best toys for them, then go and read them below!

Parents, it is a real good idea if you have girls at the girl between eight  then, it is better to give them easy bake ultimate oven, this kind of the baking toys are just really nice and good for girls. Your little girls would be so excited since they can practice their cooking ability. They can even practice their own baking time. They can make their own cookies with their own oven. The cookies will not be the cookies toys but they can make it as their real cookies. Those for parents you can grab this kind of the amazing toys at Amazon for about $50. So, you can give your children kinds of the simple receipts of how to make cookies or even you can give your children with the receipt of red velvet cupcakes. 

The next toy for your children is Worx toys helicopter. This is a kind of the little flying helicopter for your boys. This kind of the toys is really enjoyable for children and well liked by the children at the age 8. There would be 20light with the real sounds of the helicopter. There will be also the remote control for sure. The price for this kind of the toys is % 42.95. Go grab this kind of the toy soon and you can shop them at Amazon.
For your children at the early school, it is better for you to give your children the playset of toys like Dragon dungeon. Dragon dungeon is just really good playset for your children since they are about to play their toy actor. This is a real good toys that support children’s imagination. The price for this Dragon dungeon toy is $ 75. You can just shop at Amazon. 

The other kind of the toy for the kid is paper doll set. Buy your children paper dolls set since it is good to play the role model for the kids. The one of the toy for paper doll set is Finn and Meave far away land great adventure of paper dolls et. This kind of the paper doll set can be bought at Amazon or eebo and it is only for $15. 

The other kind of the toy that you can give to your children at your early age is “make and break challenge”. This kind of the blocks can be built and you can show your children a card picture of building and the, ask your children to build the house or the building as in the card shown. It I not that hard and it can be for the competition.


Teaching Children to Become Confident

Everyone needs to be confidence. Confident is the main key to get along and make friends with the others. So, from the beginning you need to teach your children so that they become confident. So here are actually the things that parents and teachers need to do including the treatments for your children. So, let’s give you a glance of the treatments for your kids as you should not give any exaggerate compliments to your children like “That’s a wonderful painting I have ever seen”. This will actually make your compliment become ignored by your children just simply point out the truth like “I like the purple color in that building”. Let’s check out those tips below here, so go and read more!
The first tip that you can do to your children is like “don’t rescue your children”. This means like when your children are not invited to the birthday party then, you should not have struggle to make your children included in the birthday party. Pressuring the football coach to insist of your own child to join the competition team and many others and also children should have their own struggle to place themselves in the little society near them. So it is like you introduce them that actually it is okay to fail, to feel upset, anxious, and others since they will learn succeed by passing some obstacles and failures. 

The second tip is let him to make a decision. So, parents should know when the children should take their own decision. It is like parents should not offer to 3 years old children what kinds of the food that they want to eat.  You can just serve your children the meals that you already arranged for them like peanut butter, jelly, and pasta. So, choose the thing that is better for children to chose but not for the significant matter. 

The third tip sis that focus on the glass with half full. It is like when your children are disappointed to the things which those things impacts to their emotion and all. So, you need to help them to be optimistic which means you need to tell to your children that actually failure is a normal thing and so on. It is better to say “let’s come with other plans for how you can increase the chances of getting the part you want next time”. This word will make them more optimistic to do the next job. 

The fourth tip is that nurture their special interests. It is very important to make your children develop their interests for sure. It is better to support their hobbies since the hobbies are their interests. This will encourage their confidence for sure. They will have the skills so that they will be more confident in the area. Make sure that you support your children hobbies. Sometime children may talk to you that they want to be something that they want including their dream they want to be. See you at the other next post. Bye bye!


Teaching Chidlren To Choosing Right Friends and The Peer Pressure

Hi, parents, today this post would let you know about how to teach children to teach children to choose their own friends. Choosing friends need to have skills so that they are not choosing wrong friends. Parents need to give children kinds of the understanding of how to make children are able to be selective. So, here are the steps to teach your children to choose the best friends for them. Go and read more at the below!
The first tip that you can do to is that you have to explain to you growing children about a simple peer pressure. It is not simply you are telling them what is peer pressure but you just only let them know about the things related to friendship as one of your friends would be telling you something cools like it is good for them like smoking and lie to parents. These values are simply you already old in daily. You can tell to your children in their friendship they should not lecture them but just sharing the opinions and avoid peer pressure to others. 

The second tip that you can do to make your children are able to choose their own best friends is role play the words. It is like teach them to be resistant to a peer pressure. It is really important to tell to your children creative ways to avoid bad peer pressure. You make a similar scenario when your children are offered drugs, tobacco or even alcohol. It is better for you to let children to practice the whole scenario with you.
The third tip is the whole summary of how to play the scenario to be resistant to bad peer pressure. The first is to ask a question. So, when your children are offered such bad things like tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or something that is not similar for them, then get used to make them to always question like “what is it”?, where did you get it?”, “who else is invited?” and many others. By questioning then children get to know the information. 

Then, say no like when it is found that those things are not good not normal then tell to your children to directly say no not by discussing r arguing but just mean it for no. Then, after that tell them to give reasons like “coach says drugs will hurt my game” and so on. This reason will work well for sure. If it is at the other said to say no to the friends who offered the drugs or smoke then, you can tell to your children that they can reject the offers by suggesting other thing to do. Doing emphasizing to their friends that they are not rejecting but it is a harmful behaviors.

Also, if the children all have tried those methods or techniques above do not work then, they can even leave those bad friends alone. Tell them that they can just go walk to home or even when they are at school they can just directly join the other group of friends. Or just run away. 


Ideas of Lunch and Snack for KIds

Hello everyone! Parents and teachers, you should be better to read this post to know about the healthy foods and snacks that you can make for the lunch and snacks. These healthy lunch and snacks are so easy to make. Lunch for kids need to cater all the nutrition including card, protein, vitamins, and many others. Also parents if you want to prepare lunch for your children, you need to prepare the meals which are delicious and well liked by your kids. So, to check the receipts of the foods and homemade snacks below as you do and read more!

Well. Now this post would give you the real easy and delicious receipt of making yoghurt fruit bars. This is a kind of the cake that is good for your children’s lunch at school. This kind of the food would be also good for children who do not like to eat yoghurt and this cake is the alternative way to make your children love to consume yoghurt. Well the ingredients needed for making this delicious yoghurt fruit bars are one and half cups of whole wheat sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, a half of teaspoon baking powder, one teaspoon of cinnamon, a half of ground ginger, one once of coped mixed dried fruit, 1/3 cup chopped walnuts (optional), one egg, a quarter of apple juice concentrate, 2 tablespoons oil, ad non stick cooking spray. 

Now if you already prepare for all those ingredients, then it is the time to bake this delicious cake first of all you need to heat the oven first for about 350o F, in the large bowl you need to mix all the ingredients and then add the walnut and dried fruit. In a medium bowl, you need to add combine yoghurt, eggs, apple juice concentrate, and oil. Coat the baking pan with vegetable oil spray and place those two mixtures into one mixture in the baking pan. Bake it for 45-50 minutes and serve this cake.  Then, the yummy lunch is ready!

The next delicious receipt would be baked sweet potato fries. This kind of the healthy snacks would be so easy to be made. This receipt would be easy for you to make just prepare the ingredients are 2 pounds of sweet potatoes, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 and half teaspoons of chili powder, 1 and half of teaspoons kosher salt. The steps to make it are cut the potatoes for one inch into wide wedges. Then, in the small bowls combine the oil, chili powder, and one teaspoon of salt. Then, you need to place the sweet potato wedges and brush them with oil mixture. Lay the potato side down until turning once for about 20-25 minutes. Remove potato from the pan and then give ½ teaspoon salt. Cool the wedges little bit and serve. These sweet potatoes would be real delicious to be eaten in the morning before the lunch. This potato snack could be evening snack for family. Have a nice day!


Causes Children Loss of Appetite

Hi parents! Are you parents who are trying to make your children eat better. Sometime your children even do not want to eat. Eating becomes so hard for your children, and parents are sometime so stressful handling this loss appetite of the children. Loss of appetite may be one symptom of the sickness. So, it is better for you to know the causes of the loss appetite of the children. Go check out the causes of loss appetite of the children. Go and read more below!
Parents cannot neglect if their children are loss of appetite. The one of the causes that may cause loss of appetite is that the stress. Children may feel unwell and stress triggers loss appetite. The causes of the stress for the children could be the family issues (divorce, death of the beloved pet, birth of new sister or brother. Bullying does not only happen in the real life but also there is also verbal bullying happening in cyber or online media. These causes of the stress are common and parents need to understand the causes of the children’s stress. 

If you find that your children loss appetite because of the stress then, what you need to do to solve the problem is to talk to your children related to the reasons that make them feeling stressful. Approach your children calmly and talk to them. You can solve their stressful problem if you know the issues related to the causes of the stress. Make sure that your children are able to speak to you. If your children do not want to speak to you then, you need to find someone that your children want to talk to.

Loss of appetite may be caused by even more serious problem called anorexia. Children with anorexia loss their appetite, so mother need to watch out the weight of your children. If your children do not like to eat much then you need to watch out their weight. Anorexia may happen to child who suffers anorexia would decrease their weight so fast for sure. So, parents need to do something to make children love to eat foods especially for healthy foods. You can decorate your children’s lunch in their lunch box. You can give your children with kinds of the vegetables which are shaped into kinds of the beautiful dolls. You can check out kinds of the recipe and how to decorate lunch become real special meals for their lunch. 

Or loss appetite can be caused because of the wrong meal schedule. It is like when your children are about to eat the snacks, then you need avoid to serve the snacks close to the lunch or meal time. So, it is better to give snacks for kids not close from the meal time.  Give your children an understanding that the main meal like breakfast, lunch and dinner are important for them to gain the ideal weight and tell them not to eat so much of sugar. See you next time parents!
