Causes Children Loss of Appetite

Hi parents! Are you parents who are trying to make your children eat better. Sometime your children even do not want to eat. Eating becomes so hard for your children, and parents are sometime so stressful handling this loss appetite of the children. Loss of appetite may be one symptom of the sickness. So, it is better for you to know the causes of the loss appetite of the children. Go check out the causes of loss appetite of the children. Go and read more below!
Parents cannot neglect if their children are loss of appetite. The one of the causes that may cause loss of appetite is that the stress. Children may feel unwell and stress triggers loss appetite. The causes of the stress for the children could be the family issues (divorce, death of the beloved pet, birth of new sister or brother. Bullying does not only happen in the real life but also there is also verbal bullying happening in cyber or online media. These causes of the stress are common and parents need to understand the causes of the children’s stress. 

If you find that your children loss appetite because of the stress then, what you need to do to solve the problem is to talk to your children related to the reasons that make them feeling stressful. Approach your children calmly and talk to them. You can solve their stressful problem if you know the issues related to the causes of the stress. Make sure that your children are able to speak to you. If your children do not want to speak to you then, you need to find someone that your children want to talk to.

Loss of appetite may be caused by even more serious problem called anorexia. Children with anorexia loss their appetite, so mother need to watch out the weight of your children. If your children do not like to eat much then you need to watch out their weight. Anorexia may happen to child who suffers anorexia would decrease their weight so fast for sure. So, parents need to do something to make children love to eat foods especially for healthy foods. You can decorate your children’s lunch in their lunch box. You can give your children with kinds of the vegetables which are shaped into kinds of the beautiful dolls. You can check out kinds of the recipe and how to decorate lunch become real special meals for their lunch. 

Or loss appetite can be caused because of the wrong meal schedule. It is like when your children are about to eat the snacks, then you need avoid to serve the snacks close to the lunch or meal time. So, it is better to give snacks for kids not close from the meal time.  Give your children an understanding that the main meal like breakfast, lunch and dinner are important for them to gain the ideal weight and tell them not to eat so much of sugar. See you next time parents!


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