Dealing with Lying Children

Parents, today we are going to talk about the ways to deal with lying people. Sometime we find that our children caught lying on us. At that time, we feel that we are betrayed, cheated, and frustrated. Anyway what you need to do as parents is that you should not get mad to your children. You need to know how to handle your lying children and the one solution that you can do is that you need to know whether the reasons why your children are lying. So, your reaction if you find that your children lie to you is you need to calm down and remember that you need to know the reasons first. To check out for more steps to handle lying children, you can go and read more below!

Sometime you find that your children may make mistake and they want to hide it because they are afraid to reveal their mistake and afraid of punishment. This kind of the reason is commonly found in some cases. As parents, you need to tell to your children that human is common and normal making mistake and tell them that they should not hide the mistakes by lying because this kind of the behave would not be accepted in any kind of the condition. Tell to your children that they need to be responsible for everything that they do including the mistakes. Tell them that making mistake is not a shame. 

In some cases in teens, lying is a kind of the way to separate them from the parents. Teens would make up some little lies and didn’t even realize that they are now having a big lie. Teens may lie in a small thing and they didn’t even realize that this will make them in a risk. For example teens for about 16 year old, they are not allowed to wear make up but they use the make up outside the home. This kind of the little lie is a simple case in the teen age. 

It is because you punish your children too far so that this kind of the parent’s rule could trigger the lies.  If parents giving to much punishment on every small mistakes to their children, so it will make children to start to lie to avoid the punishment. Parents need to think twice before they give the punishments for the children. Give punishment wisely. Children will feel under pressure if parents give too much punishment to children. You need to punish your children if they are dishonest to you but before you give punishment to your children, you need to ask them first the reasons why they are lying to you.

Remember that you should not lecturing your children. When you find that your children are lying to you, then you need to talk to them as be specific on what’s the matter. Don’t be too complicated in your message that you talk to your children. Keep the door open as position yourself as you are close to them.


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